Monday, April 25, 2011

Half Way Mark!

Well we've made it to the half-way mark, 3 months down 3 more to go. I'm pretty sure Justin is ready to come home and I'm definitely over ready for him to come home, I'm grateful for our daily phone calls, but it's just not the same as seeing him and being with him, I'm really missing him a lot! I knew this was going to be hard, but it's been hard than I anticipated...

The weather has tuned extremely HOT in Afghanistan, A couple days ago Justin said it was 112 degrees, I don't even know how a person can function in that kind of heat. Justin has also caught a head cold, and said he isn't drinking enough water and felt he was dehydrated, so he is trying to keep the water flowing! It's only going to get worse he said, last year's high was 142 degrees, I mean really??? I can't even imagine.

I wish our sun would come out and stay...we've had one good day with the sun shining, but it was short lived, now we are back to rain and dreary skies....I'm looking for a little pick me up, come on Sunny Skies smile down on me!!!!

Happy Spring!

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