Last Wednesday I met my sister-in-law in The Dalles to pick up these two little cuties! Madison is 3 yrs old now and Ryder is 2 , and boy did I have a good time with them. They are so busy I don't think I got a spare moment to do much expect play with them. I figured that since Justin is gone I would give their mommy and daddy a little break, and they could come spend 4 days with auntie. Man time sure does go fast when you are busy with toddlers, and it helped me a little to stop counting the days until Justin comes home...they took my mind off a lot of things and it was some good medicine to have them here for a few days! We didn't do much except play and we did get out one of the days, it was a sunny 50 degrees and went to the castle park and played on the swings, and Madison loved the sand pit....she dug and dug! They both have such different personalities, Madison is a spit-fire like her auntie and Ryder is just a little tender sweetheart, who likes to snuggle and laze around....and his little raspy voice is to die for...I just love these two to pieces!!! They are leaving this morning to go back to Portland, but I will cherish my time with them, they really love coming to Pendleton and I'm happy we can make so many memories with them, that hopefully they will remember for a lifetime! I will be a little lost without them today, but surely need a break, I don't know how their mommy and daddy keep up with them, they are busy, busy that's for sure, I'm glad I could give them a break!
On another note: Justin is feeling much better, I talked to him this morning and he is getting the hang of his job pretty well, he is extremely busy with work, and not much else to report on thus far...he works 12 hour days, leaving little time for anything else expect sleep! He is still working on getting his internet up and running in his room, however the IT guy is going on leave this next week so he isn't sure if it will be anytime soon?? I'm thankful that we get to talk to each other about twice a day, he usually calls me in the evenings from the MWR, and then I can call him at his office in the mornings when he is getting off work, it seems to be working out well, and makes me feel good that I can hear his voice twice a day! Would love to Skype him, and see his face, but that won't happen until his internet in his room gets set up, I really would love to see him, but I'm trying to be patient, which I'm horrible at, this is very hard for me, cause you all know I'm a LEO and I really like to control things, and I'm not able to control much right now with this situation so it's been a challenge, but I'm adjusting, hahaha! Please continue to keep Justin's safety in your daily prayers, we love you all!!!
Your reports on Justin are very helpful for us to feel connected. Thanks so much.
Anytime you need another distraction I would be happy to share my 3 with you. :-) Glad Justin is feeling better and that you get to talk to him so frequently.
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