Life Line
You see this is my life line to Justin...a satellite phone in his office that allows for me to call him on a daily basis. I call a number and it connects me to an operator in New Jersey, and then she is able to connect us all the way to Afghanistan, isn't that just amazing, and it's a local US number so I don't have to pay those ridiculous International rates, it's just awesome! When I call him, he is usually getting off work, we have a 12.5 hour time zone difference, so my mornings are his nights and my nights are his mornings, so it does make it a little tricky to get a hold of one another, but we are doing fine on the calling times as of now! His work schedule is 12 hour days, 7 days a week....NO DAYS OFF, I couldn't handle it! His hours are 8am-8pm....leaving little time for anything thing else to do, but then again, what else is there to do on an Army Base in the middle of Afghanistan, it's not like he can go site seeing!!! He will never leave post unless he is with an escort and so basically in his 6 months time, he will never see the outside of the fence of his base....I can't imagine! He is working on getting an internet connection in his room, however the Afghans are running most of the internet there, so he is a little hesitant to give his computer over to them, which I can't blame him, so we'll see how that will all work out, he is still trying to figure it all out! I thankful for his safety and well being, he seems to be settling in well and adjusting to the time change, however after a 12 hour shift he is pretty spent, there is a lot of back work he is trying to fill, so he said he is going to be staying busy for a LONG time...I'll write more tomorrow about his meals at the chow hall...until then Chow!
Ah... love the big font. :-) And love that you are sharing your story... I hope it makes it go by faster for you...
The font was just for you Anne! Thanks, I think it will help to keep a style and hoping it makes the time go by faster!
Thank you for sharing Cristy...I will look forward to the updates! Take care :)
Dang, I'm jealous, you got cooler tech than I do. A Sat phone! Those suckers ain't cheap. I have client who use them on set and they're about $4.99 a minute. Is that work supplied for you two?
Glad things are smoothing out finally. He'll be home before you know it.
@Geoff, yes work supplies the phone for him thru his office, it's very, very sweet indeed!!!
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