Lobster..That's What's for Dinner!!!
Guess what Justin had for dinner at the Chow Hall in Afghanistan???? Yup you guessed it....LOBSTER!! Are you kidding me? Okay this is a funny story because before Justin left on his mission, he told me he really would like to eat at Red Lobster in Tri-Cities, but for those of you who don't know, I'm allergic to shell fish, so of course I curled my lip to that idea! Justin says whenever he thinks of Lobster "his mouth starts watering." So instead of Red Lobster we enjoyed a meal at the Olive Garden instead, however; after we were done eating he told me "his mouth was still watering for Lobster!" I did feel kinda bad, since I was thinking it was his last meal in the states for awhile, but not bad enough to agree on Lobster. So it was about the second night at the Chow Hall, that they served him Lobster, I mean really, who would think they would serve Lobster at the local Chow Hall?? Anyway he IM'ed my mom on FB and told her that he had lobster for dinner, then he called me and informed me he had lobster for dinner, I was shocked, I mean who would of thunk it??? Anyway he said it was delicious and overall said that the chow hall food is quite decent. So do you think that it was coincidence that he was offered Lobster for dinner??? He said he understands why you could gain a lot of weight eating "chow" food, since they offer a wide variety of dishes, that are pretty good I guess. He has been eating 3 small meals a day, and starting Monday he is going to head back to the gym and start working out. He gets up quite early, around 4am, this giving him time to head to the gym, shower, eat and then get to work.
On another note they will be showing the Superbowl today at 4am his time, he wasn't sure if it would be worth getting up to watch since there are so many troops wanting to watch, and a small TV area where it's being shown...He doesn't much care who wins, since his CHARGERS are out of it anyway, however he said he is rooting for the Packers, OHHH and I'm wondering what they will be cooking up for dinner tonight??
1 comment:
I am glad he is getting fed well... they deserve it for protecting and serving us!!!!!
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