Monday, March 1, 2010

February 2010 in a Nutshell

I noticed that I didn't post one blog in February so thought I would post one to update everyone what is going on in my life at the moment. This past month our family received some very sad news about my aunt Joan. She has been battling cancer for about 2 1/2 years now and it's getting near the end for her journey here on earth. She is about to go "home" and meet up with my grandparents again and with my brother, and that brings me much comfort. I know that I will have a huge hole in my heart when that time comes, as I will miss her so dearly. However; knowing she is going to Heaven for eternity brings me much hope and peace. The suffering she has endured will all end and she will also be at peace and that is an awesome gift we are all guaranteed if we BELIEVE!

Tristin got his plate and pins removed from his wrist this past month also. That little injury is hopefully behind us now!!! It was a long 5 months of dealing with it, and I so glad it's finally healed and we can move on from it.

I'm still cleaning houses and have gotten a couple of new clients so now I'm pretty much full. I think I have plenty to keep me busy with my job now. I really like that I can make my own hours and schedule and that it's part-time and pays me good enough to have extra money to do some fun things I enjoy and help pay some of the bills.

Got to spend some time with my niece and nephew this past month also. They are getting so big and they are learning all kinds of new things. They amaze me with their ability to learn and take in so much at that young of an age. They are so stinking cute and fun to be around, I love how each of their personalities are so different and they each have their own cute traits. I wish I lived closer to them, it seems I miss out of so much of their growing since I only get to see them about once a month if that. I really enjoy and cherish my time spent with them!!!!

Anyway this is what February 2010 had to offer. I continue praying for my dear aunt, and hope that March......and Spring have a lot of exciting things to offer!!!! I'm ready for SPRING and Flowers and SUNSHINE!!!!!