My new baby Nephew Ryder Monkus made his appearance into the world on Saturday November 15th, 2008. He weighed in at 8lbs. 9ozs. and was 21 inches long!! His name was picked because if you know my brother his favorite sport is golf, and so Ryder is kind of named after the Ryder Cup of golf, kind of cute I think????? It makes me think of the Ryder Moving Van Company, or as my husband said he will be teased horribly in school with names such as "Ryder Hard Monkus" you have to know my husband to understand that comment. So now I'm an aunty twice first to my adorable neice Madison Jolie Monkus, she will be a very good big sister to Ryder, even though they are only 14 months apart, almost like twins!!! Fitting in itself....